Why blog?

It's therapeutic... specially for dorks like me who communicate better when they have the chance to process their thoughts, select their words, and write precisely what they want to say. As much as I'm a "talker", I stumble, stutter, and don't always say things right. English as a second language might have something to do with that (unfortunately, I don't think I could blog in Spanish... I lost my grammar in that language). I like to pour out my thoughts and leave it out there in the cosmos (or the world wide web) for other people to mull over...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Walk for Hope

I haven't done a fundraiser in a long time, at least since 2011. And I normally go around and ask people for money and raise about $200 or so and feel pretty darn good. But this time, it's different.

What I'm about to ask you to partner with me is literally life or death.

Step 1:

Meet the Alaska Dream Center. "The Alaska Dream Center is an extensive one year live-in substance abuse program and residential facility offered at no cost to those struggling with life controlling issues." It has a 75% success rate, and it takes in men not only from all parts of Alaska, but from anywhere in the US - as many as are willing to come and get healthy. The leaders of this center are being blessed and honored by God, expanding in vision and also in territory. They also do job training during the year that they are there.

Whether you are a Christian or not, it's a worthy program to donate to. Specially as an Alaskan. Do the research on live-in substance abuse programs and you'll find that most of them are only for 30 days. Most of them are in the lower 48. Most of them charge the client/patient - sometimes up to $6000/month. Most of them have less than a 25% success rate. This ONE YEAR PROGRAM is FREE to the applicants that are admitted who want to restore their lives and kick the substance abuse. That is HUGE. That is GOD-FUNDED. That is SPIRIT-BREATHED.

Step 2:
Be aware of the PROBLEM.  It's not a co-ed facility.  So far they have been able to change the lives of men in abundance, but unfortunately have had to turn women away.  Think about this: how many men use drugs that are married or have families? How many of the women who are with these men use drugs themselves? How productive is it for the family unit to only rehabilitate the men and not the women?

But God is moving in this area too.  Through a dinner date we had with Cherise Hyslip, we have seen the Lord start to open doors so they can build a women's facility and some duplexes for family housing.  But they need help - and it's not up to just the church or Alaskans, I'm praying it stirs the hearts of people from any background, any religion, because it would seriously bless the state of Alaska to turn around these lives!

So what are they doing? Introducing the Walk of Hope.

The Men of the Alaska Dream Center will be walking the entire 140 miles. They are starting on May 1st from the Alaska Dream Center location in Palmer, AK and walking over the next ten days to the Sea Side Hope Campgrounds in Hope, Alaska. The men who are going through the program themselves are extending their arms and their prayers to bring women into the rehabilitation program by asking sponsors to support them only $1 a mile.

View Larger Map

I'm going to join them in support. I can't walk 10 days/140 miles, but I will be walking the Anchorage Stretch - 2 days, 9 miles, on Saturday May 4th and Sunday May 5th.  I will be doing roughly about this much:

View Larger Map

And I am begging you to sponsor me for a full 140 miles.  $1 a mile. I know that $140 may be a stretch for you alone, but can I stir your heart as much as this has stirred mine, to find 14 other people (family, friends, co-workers, classmates, church people) who can pitch in $10 each?

And can I ask you, if it doesn't offend you, to pray for us and for the Dream Center?

This is huge. It can change Alaska.  I find it important enough to offer my support.  Can I please count on yours?